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Count words in string
- This will count through the sentences in a section of text and s...
Create a drop down menu from an array list
- A short snippet that creates a drop down me...
Create an HTML page on demand
- Creating an HTML page on the fly. This could easily be p...
Create Basic PDF
- Very basic example of creating a PDF file.
Create gzip file
- Basic example of creating gzip file on the fly.
Create mySQL table with PHP
- Good for install scripts or automated table building.
Create thumbnails with PHP
- Simple function that creates thumbnail images using PHP and...
CSS Colornames to RGB values
- The GetColor function returns an associative array with ...
Currency display formatting function
- Great function to display a variety of currency f...
CyberCash payment class
- A class for doing payments to a CyberCash server.
Days in month #2
- Returns the number of days in the month for this month and this year.
Days in month one
- Returns the number of days in the month for this month and this year.
De-Pluralize a String
- A snippet that will take a given string and if it is plural, the...
Decimal to octal conversion
- Easy decimal to octal conversion example.
Define a schedule of holidays
- Functions used to define a schedule of holidays. Can def...
Define schedule of holidays
- Functions used to define a schedule of holidays.
Delete all cookies set
- This code snippet which will delete all cookies currently set b...
Delete all files in directory
- This is a simple function that will take a folder path a...
Delete by date
- The snippet of code earlier that allows you to delete all files older t...
Delete by wildcard
- The simplest way to delete all files of a particular extension is t...
Delete files older than 'X'
- Quick and dirty code for cleaning out a directory of files...
Detect Mobile/WAP browser
- This code will detect most Mobile/WAP browsers. Useful for s...
Directory Listing
- A simple script that lists all the items in the directory including ...
Directory Listing #2
- Lists all the items in a directory including folders and files.
Display html source with line numbers
- Great way to show the html source of a page comp...
Display stock quotes from a CSV file
- Displays formatted stock quotes from a dynamicall...
Download File To Client
- Here's a function for sending a file to the client - it may lo...
Easily detect Odd/Even numbers
- This is a simple way to tell whether a given number is ...
Easy page browser
- An easy page browser class that produces this type of utput: ( prev...
Echo 'n' number of words
- To get the first 250 words offset you can use php.net/stripos...
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