Snippet Name: Delete all files in directory
Description: This is a simple function that will take a folder path and remove all of its contents including files and directories.
Comment: (none)
Language: PHP
Highlight Mode: PHP
Last Modified: February 27th, 2009
FUNCTION emptyDir($path) {
// init the debug string
$debugStr = '';
$debugStr .= "Deleting Contents Of: $path<br /><br />";
// parse the folder
IF ($handle = OPENDIR($path)) {
WHILE (FALSE !== ($file = READDIR($handle))) {
IF ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
// If it's a file, delete it
IF(IS_FILE($path."/".$file)) {
IF(UNLINK($path."/".$file)) {
$debugStr .= "Deleted File: ".$file."<br />";
} ELSE {
// It's a directory...
// crawl through the directory and delete the contents
IF($handle2 = OPENDIR($path."/".$file)) {
WHILE (FALSE !== ($file2 = READDIR($handle2))) {
IF ($file2 != "." && $file2 != "..") {
IF(UNLINK($path."/".$file."/".$file2)) {
$debugStr .= "Deleted File: $file/$file2<br />";
IF(RMDIR($path."/".$file)) {
$debugStr .= "Directory: ".$file."<br />";
RETURN $debugStr;