In Oracle, the USER_REPCATLOG view maintains the log of asynchronous administration requests and error messages that are owned by the current user. Any messages which are raised during request processing are inserted into USER_REPCATLOG view. Once the request is terminated successfully without any errors, all of the trace messages for the request are removed from the view. The structure of the data dictionary view is shown below.
ID [NUMBER (22)] - Unique ID to identify a report catalog
SOURCE [VARCHAR2 (128)] - Database which raised the request
USERID [VARCHAR2 (30)] - User name which raised the request
TIMESTAMP [DATE (7)] - Time of request submission
ROLE [VARCHAR2 (9)] - Determines, if the database is a master site
MASTER [VARCHAR2 (128)] - Database which processes the request
SNAME [VARCHAR2 (30)] - Schema of replicated object name, if applicable
REQUEST [VARCHAR2 (29)] - Name of the requested operation
ONAME [VARCHAR2 (30)] - Replicated object name, if applicable
TYPE [VARCHAR2 (12)] - Type of replicated object, if applicable
STATUS [VARCHAR2 (14)] - Status of the request at this database
MESSAGE [VARCHAR2 (200)] - Error message associated with processing the request
ERRNUM [NUMBER (22)] - Oracle error number associated with processing the request
GNAME [VARCHAR2 (30)] - Name of the replicated object group