Snippet Name: How to write a config file
Description: Easy way to collect user data and write it to a config file (for example, during an install).
Comment: (none)
Language: PHP
Highlight Mode: PHP
Last Modified: February 28th, 2009
IF (ISSET($_POST["Submit"])) {
$string = '<?php
$dbhost = "'. $_POST["dbhost"]. '";
$dbuname = "'. $_POST["dbuname"]. '";
$dbpass = "'. $_POST["dbpass"]. '";
$dbname = "'. $_POST["dbname"]. '";
$prefix = "'. $_POST["prefix"]. '";
$user_prefix = "'. $_POST["user_prefix"]. '";
$dbtype = "'. $_POST["dbtype"]. '";
$fp = FOPEN("config.php", "w");
FWRITE($fp, $string);
<form action="" method="post" name="install" id="install">
<input name="dbhost" type="text" id="dbhost" value="">
DB Host
<input name="dbuname" type="text" id="dbuname">
DB Username
<input name="dbpass" type="password" id="dbpass">
DB Pass </p>
<input name="dbname" type="text" id="dbname">
DB Name </p>
<input name="prefix" type="text" id="prefix">
DB Prefix</p>
<input name="user_prefix" type="text" id="user_prefix">
<input name="dbtype" type="text" id="dbtype">
DB Type </p>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Install">
</form> |