Snippet Name: MKDIR with error checking
Description: A mkdir function with a simple exception handler.
Comment: (none)
Language: PHP
Highlight Mode: PHP
Last Modified: March 11th, 2009
FUNCTION handleError() {
/** usage sample
echo $php_errormsg;
// detect slash/backslash nomenclature dirname
$path = DIRNAME( __FILE__ );
$slash = '/'; STRPOS( $path, $slash ) ? '' : $slash = '\\';
DEFINE( 'BASE_DIR', $path . $slash );
$folder = TIME(); // folder name
$dirPath = BASE_DIR . $folder; // folder path
// print results
ECHO $slash;
ECHO '<hr>';
$rs = @MKDIR( $dirPath, '0777' );
IF( $rs )
// print success information
ECHO 'was done!';
ECHO '<br>folder: <a href="' . $folder . '">' . $folder . '</a>';
ECHO '<br>dirPath: ' . $dirPath;
// print error information
ECHO 'an error was occurred. Attempting create folder';
ECHO '<br>dirPath: ' . $dirPath;
ECHO '<br>php_errormsg: ' . $php_errormsg;
?> |