Snippet Name: PHP to JavaScript Array
Description: Given a PHP array (even a deep nested array), this function returns a string representation of that array as JavaScript array. Useful when using PHP to output JavaScript.
Comment: (none)
Language: PHP
Highlight Mode: PHP
Last Modified: February 28th, 2009
* Converts a PHP array to a JavaScript array
* Takes a PHP array, and returns a string formated as a
* JavaScript array that exactly matches the PHP array.
* @param array $phpArray The PHP array
* @param string $jsArrayName The name for the JavaScript array
* @return string
FUNCTION get_javascript_array($phpArray, $jsArrayName, &$html = '') {
$html .= $jsArrayName . " = new Array(); \r\n ";
FOREACH ($phpArray AS $key => $value) {
$outKey = (IS_INT($key)) ? '[' . $key . ']' : "['" . $key . "']";
IF (IS_ARRAY($value)) {
get_javascript_array($value, $jsArrayName . $outKey, $html);
$html .= $jsArrayName . $outKey . " = ";
IF (IS_STRING($value)) {
$html .= "'" . $value . "'; \r\n ";
} ELSE IF ($value === FALSE) {
$html .= "false; \r\n";
} ELSE IF ($value === NULL) {
$html .= "null; \r\n";
} ELSE IF ($value === TRUE) {
$html .= "true; \r\n";
} ELSE {
$html .= $value . "; \r\n";
RETURN $html;
?> |