Snippet Name: Super simple encryption example
Description: Super simple encryption example. The output is the sum of 6 and the ASCII value of each character. For example, below is listed a string of characters and their ascii value.
s = 115, e = 101, a = 97, n = 110
This snippet will take the ASCII value and add 6 to it.
Finally, the snippet implode()'s the output into a string separated by character 46 ('.'). you can change the operation ('+') and the key ('6') for security and functionality purposes.
Example Usage:
printf('encrypted: %sdecrypted: %s', _enc($s), _dec(_enc($s)));
Comment: (none)
Language: PHP
Highlight Mode: PHP
Last Modified: March 01st, 2009
FUNCTION _enc($s)
FOR( $i = 0; $i < STRLEN($s); $i++ )
$r[] = ORD($s[$i]) + 2;
FUNCTION _dec($s)
$s = EXPLODE(".", $s);
FOR( $i = 0; $i < COUNT($s); $i++ )
$s[$i] = CHR($s[$i] - 2);
// Example Usage:
// printf('encrypted: %s<br />decrypted: %s', _enc($s), _dec(_enc($s)));
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