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FUNCTIONS: with output parameters - This is a sample of a function that outputs a parameter.
FUNCTIONS: with parameters - By passing parameters into a function, the parameters can b...
FUNCTIONS: without parameters - Not all functions take parameters; some produce output w...
Generate ASCII table - Generates the full ASCII table. Useful for reference or decoding,...
Generate Fibonaci series - For math users: produce the numbers of the Fibonaci series.
Get table with named columns - Used to obtain the table names which contain certain colu...
Grant ALL access to dds_dml_security - Grants ALL Access To dds_dml_security.
Having Clause - Some example of using the 'HAVING' clause with 'GROUP BY'.
HEXTORAW - HEXTORAW converts char containing hexadecimal digits in the CHAR, VARCHAR2, N...
HINTS - Hints are used to give specific information that we know about our data and appl...
IGNORE NULLS - Disregards the presence of NULL chars in the specified column.
IMPORT - An example of using Oracle's IMPORT functionality.
IN - Examples of the use of IN in a SQL statement
IN Function - The IN function helps reduce the need to use multiple OR conditions.
INDEXES: - Specify UNUSABLE to mark the index or index partition(s) or index subpartitio...
INDEXES: Alter index - Example of altering an index (rename, collect statistics, etc).
INDEXES: Alter Index Allocate Extent - Use the ALTER INDEX statement to change or rebuil...
INDEXES: Alter Index Deallocate Unused - Use the deallocate_unused_clause to explicitly ...
INDEXES: Alter Index Parallel - Use the PARALLEL clause to change the default degree of ...
INDEXES: Analyze Index - Analyze a table index and show distinct keys, average leaf bloc...
INDEXES: Bitmap Indexes - In most cases bitmap indexes are considered to be most appropr...
INDEXES: Bitmap Join Indexes - In a Bitmap Index, each distinct value for the specified ...
INDEXES: Block Dump - It can be useful to see internal structure of Oracle datablocks th...
INDEXES: Compute Statistics - When an index has no statistics, Oracle9i and earlier will...
INDEXES: DISABLE (function-based index) - DISABLE is only applicable (valid) for func...
INDEXES: DROP index - Dropping an index from a table.
INDEXES: ENABLE (function-based index) - ENABLE applies only to a function-based index t...
INDEXES: Function-Based Index - In Oracle, you can create function-based indexes as well...
INDEXES: Index Usage Notes - Excellent explanation of index usage, originally posted by ...
INDEXES: Parallel Index - Parallel index creation is often used when importing data ware...